Growing As Devoted Followers of Jesus Together

A key aspect of following Jesus is gathering together in smaller groups for fellowship, study and mutual encouragement. Below is a list of groups that gather regularly. If you are interested in joining one please fill in the form below to express your interest 

To join a group click here

Shane - Murrumba Downs

Men's Bible Study 7pm Tuesday nights in person or 7pm Thursday nights over Zoom

We meet together and discuss a particular book of the Bible in depth over a series of weeks. Generally we read the passage, watch a video commentary, and have great discussion. Men only, no age limits.

Jennie - Murrumba Downs

Ladies Bible Study 9:15am till 11am Monday Mornings

We are studying the a book of the bible. We listen to a short video then work through some questions together. The group is for ladies of any age. Little ones are also welcome, however there is no official childcare arrangements.

Nature Girls - Various locations

Nature Girls is a radically unique opportunity for busy women (and girls) to step out of their hectic lives, to genuinely seek, and deeply connect with, the presence of God.

Gatherings are held in various outdoor locations that are conducive to achieving a sense of separateness and serenity. 
There is a strong sense of sisterhood as we surrender ourselves to Christ-centred mindfulness through prayer, scripture reading, open discussion, music, chanting, meditation, deep breathing and relaxation, nature craft activities and optional exploration of the natural environment in which we gather. 
Our primary focuses are always to show our gratitude to the Creator for His love and provision of the natural spaces in which we gather, to bless Him and be blessed by Him through deep connection and to be filled and re-filled with His Living Water and peace, which we all take back into our daily lives to share with others.

Gathering tend to be on Friday mornings once a month. 

John and Wendy - Various locations

A small 'care and connect' group for empty nester couples, once a month on Thursday evenings.

A meal where each couple contributes in some way is normally followed by a short devotional time with a sharing and prayer time together. The group suits mature married couples for mutual care and support.

Gordon - Various locations

Fellowship and study group meeting 7pm Fridays fortnightly

We meet for fellowship and a study and supper. We meet for fellowship and a study and supper. We are open to all, but the present age ranges are about 50 to late seventies. 

Tim and Tam - Kallangur

Group for young families and young adults (currently full)

Dinner and bible study in a format accesible to young families and young adults. Currently full for term 1. 

Jenny L - Kallangur

Women's Bible study 2pm Thursdays fortnightly

Janelle and Greg - Narangba

Bible study for all ages, 7pm every second Wednesday

Bible Study

Every second Wednesday in school term times, 7-8.30pm, at Narangba.

7-7.15pm Meet and Greet, 7.15-8.15pm Bible study discussion and video, 8.15-8.30pm prayer.

Open to anyone. Note that at the moment the majority are single women. Currently only room for two more people

John Flood - Narangba

Morning Tea and Bible study 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 9am