Serving on Sundays

There are a variety of different ways you can serve at Rivers on a Sunday. If there is a team you'd be interested in hearing more about or you'd like to express interest in joining please click the link below: 

Rivers Volunteer Expression of Interest Form

The set up team are on a roster of volunteers who come early to make sure everything is ready for the service. This includes: 

- setting up chairs and tables inside and outside 

- preparing communion

- tidying the building/grounds

- assisting the welcome team with any other tasks to get ready

The welcome team is ready to welcome everyone as they arrive with a focus on helping anyone who is new or visiting to feel at home. Those on the welcome team will help by:

- Welcoming people with a friendly smile

- Looking out for people who a new and helping them settle in

- Connecting people into conversations and with ways to get connected to the church

- Ushering people to find a seat 

Those on the morning tea team bring along and serve morning tea when they are rostered on. This involves:

- Bringing some simple baked or store bought food for morning tea

- Setting up and then serving tea and coffee after the service

- Cleaning up once everyone is finished 

Rivers Kids Jr help look after children under 4 years old during the service. This involves:

- Setting up the area with toys to play with before the service

- Helping parents sign in children once the program starts 

- Ensuring children and properly supervised and looked after 

All Rivers Kid's Jr volunteers must have a valid blue card and up to date safe ministry training. 

Rivers Kids volunteers help look after children in grades prep-6 old during the service. This involves:

- Preparing a lesson if you are the leader, checking in with the leader with whats needed if you are the helper

- Setting up the space before the service 

- Helping parents sign in children once the program starts 

- Ensuring children and properly supervised and looked after 

- Teaching and supporting children to know and grow in Jesus for themselves

All Rivers Kid's volunteers must have a valid blue card and up to date safe ministry training. 

Sunday Youth volunteers help support teens in grades 7-12 during the service. This involves:

All Sunday Youth volunteers must have a valid blue card and up to date safe ministry training. 

The worship team help lead the congregation in musical worship each sunday they are rostered on. 

Those on bible reading prepare in advance and read the designated scripture passage in a way that help people focus on the meeting and connected with the Lord through it. These are read out before the sermon each week. 

Those on the prayer team receive training in prayer ministry and are avaiable to pray for people after the service each week.